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BBB Kit™ ( RBT-24H ) / ( RBT-24F )*

For Drug BBB Permeability Study ( from micromolecules to cells )

BBB Kit™ (RBT-24) is a new in vitro model of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) made of primary cultures of rat (Wistar rat) brain capillary endothelial cells, brain pericytes and astrocytes. BBB Kit™ (RBT-24) with a polyethylene terephthalate (PT) membrane is a ready-to-use concept for your evaluations of BBB-permeability of drugs and drug candidates.
 BBB Kit™ (RBT-24H) is a 12-well format constructed in a 24-well Millicell® cell culture plate.
( *On-Demand Product - RBT-24F )

BBB Kit™ (RBT-24H) is constructed in 12 wells (B and C) with Millicell® Hanging Cell Culture Insert (#PISP 12R 48) in a 24-well Millicell® plate. [ H = Half ]
*For evaluating the permeability of a molecule through the brain endothelial and pericytes layers of BBB Kit™ in blood-to-brain direction, the molecule is applied to the upper compartment of the insert. Our calculation of apparent permeability is Papp.
**Cells within BBB Kit™ (RBT-24) are not clearly seen by microscopic observations.
***PT membrane hardly absorbs chemicals.

We deliver the complete set of BBB Kit™ (RBT-24H) in frozen packaged with dry ice.
BBB Kit™ can be frozon as a whole and stored at -80℃. We gurantee to use BBB Kit (PRBT-24H) within 1 month.

BBB Kit ™ (RBT-24H)
  1. BBB Kit ™ (RBT-24H)
  2. Thawing - and Incubation - Medium
  3. Millicell® Hanging Cell Culture Insert 1
    (for Blank experiments)
Catalog # Product Format Unit Price(Yen)
12 inserts Set 148,000

Ready-To-Use BBB Kit

We deliver the complete set of BBB Kit ™ in frozen packaged with dry ice. BBB Kit ™ can be frozen as a whole and stored at -80℃. We guarantee to use BBB Kit ™ (RBT-24H) within 1 month.

4 days prior to your experiment, you just thaw (de-freeze) your BBB Kit ™ (RBT-24H) stored at -80℃ in your deep-freezer.

  Amounts of solutions (to be added)
  Thawing-sol medium (1) medium (2*
Blood-side 200 μL 300 μL 300 μL
Brain-side 1000 μL 1200 μL 1200 μL

* Recipe: medium 10% PDS / DMEM F-12
  Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium/ Nutrient Mixture F-12 Ham (DMEM F-12)  
Fetal Bovine Plasma Derived Serum (PDS) 10% (v/v)
Heparin 100 μg/mL
basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) 1.5 ng/mL
Insulin-Transferrin-sodium Selenite (ITS) insulin 5 μg/mL,
transferrin 5 μg/mL,
sodium selenite 5 ng/mL
Hydrocortisone 500 nM
Gentamicin 50 μg/mL

Trans Endothelial Electrical Resistance (TEER) of BBB Kit ™ (RBT-24)
TEER in BBB Kit™ (RBT-24) reaches more than 150 Ω x cm2, and maintains a plateau up to 6 days. (Medium does not contain cAMP and its analogs.) TEER is measured at Day 3 after changing medium. BBB Kit™ (RBT-24) can be used from Day 4 to Day 6 after thawing.

Insert Membrane Infomation
Insert of BBB Kit™ (RBT-24H) (Polyethylene terephthalate membrance filter)
Millicell® Hanging Cell Culture Insert (#PISP 12R 48)
Technical data of the polyethylene terephthalate (PT )membrane Millicell® Insert (#PISP 12R 48)
Diameter: 6.5 mm
Growth area: 0.33 cm2
Membrane thickness: 9 μm
Pore size: 3.0 μm
Pore density: 2 x 106 pores / cm2
Tissue culture treated: yes
Optical property: translucent
Cell visibility: poor
Volume inside insert: 0.2 mL - 0.3 mL
Volume in plate: 0.9 mL - 1.2 mL
Millicell® is a Registered Trade Mark of Millipore Corporation.

BBB Kit™ ( RBT-24F )

BBB Kit™ (RBT-24F) is constructed in 24 wells with Millicell® Hanging Cell Culture Insert (#PISP 12R 48) in a 24-well Millicell® plate. [ F = Full ]
*For evaluating the permeability of a molecule through the brain endothelial and pericytes layers of BBB Kit™ in blood-to-brain direction, the molecule is applied to the upper compartment of the insert. Our Calculation of apparent permeability is Papp.
**Cells within BBB Kit™ (RBT-24) are not clearly seen by microscopic observations.
***PT membrane hardly absorbs chemicals.

We deliver the complete set of BBB Kit™ (RBT-24F) in frozen packaged with dry ice.
BBB Kit™ can be frozon as a whole and stored at -80℃. We gurantee to use BBB Kit (RBT-24F) within 1 month.

BBB Kit ™ (RBT-24F)
  1. BBB Kit ™ (RBT-24F)
  2. Thawing - and Incubation - medium
Catalog # Product Format Unit Price (Yen)
(On-Demand Product)
BBB Kit ™
24 inserts Set 198,000

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